Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Keep Moving Forward!

The last few weeks have been a bit challenging for me.

One source of seed money for Relationships Matter Now has all but evaporated from possibility after careful planning and such a strong start to the execution of the plan of attack for this month.

Seemingly small conflicts have been magnified in my heart and have taken a particular toll on my normally cheerful self.

I am struggling to smile and keep myself from falling into a funk (the no sun in Chicagoland to start this week has not helped).

There is just NOT ENOUGH TIME in each day and I feel only a bit closer to the key milestones I had planned for this year vs. where I wanted to be.

Yet over and over since Sunday - I have been reminded not to give up.

Whether it be in really obvious bible verses like James 1:12 from this morning or Galatians 6:9 - both  say "stay the course" in so many words; or in the various blogs and articles that have somehow found their way across my computer screen - the message was clear: Don't Give Up. Keep Moving Forward.

I took a quick look back in my blog roll and noted that since I started this blog in Oct 2008 - there has been no less than 10 posts about perseverance, persistence or faithfulness. Check out two of my favorites - this one from November 2009 and this post from April 2009.

Upon re-reading my own writing - plus all the great external reminders this week - I am renewed and recharged to press on.

Today - I challenge you to join me and keep moving forward.

Whatever you are working on is worth it. 

There are people on the other side of the obstacle/conflict that need ideas and solutions that only YOU can provide.

Not to mention the personal satisfaction you will feel when you triumph!


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