Monday, February 18, 2013

True Love At Its Best

Yesterday, our family had the most incredible meeting. Exact details of the meeting are not necessary to disclose but the fact that we had it and how it played out is worth sharing.

Like most families on any given day, we had a rough morning yesterday. Several weird interactions coupled with a few overreactions and we had a pretty sour start to the new week. Then our lesson at church challenged us to simplify our lives and figure out what replenishes and depletes us.

So at our lunch table, with markers in hand, and hearts and minds open - we talked as a family about what drains us within our own family dynamic.  Two adults, an eleven year old and a seven year old laid it out there for each other.

Warts and all.

It was beautiful.

And I know we are all going to be better for it. You see as a unit, we all clearly understand now what replenishes each other and what depletes each other - individually. It was a tough and often emotional conversation but it was necessary. Necessary for our harmony as a family as well as our growth as individuals. I am so very proud of our family and what we did at the lunch table yesterday. The strength and courage it took for each of us to be 100% honest and vulnerable with the people we love is without measure. Plus, our commitment to be replenishers for each other was also amazing.

And that is what love is all about.

Not the red hearts and fancy dinners or even our Barreto family tradition of chocolate dipped strawberries every February 14.

We displayed true love at its best yesterday.

Can you and your family join us in this? February is a month that reminds us of love so why not take the time this month to love each other enough to stop and figure out how you can grow each other?

We'd love to hear what happens for you!

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