Sunday, November 23, 2008

Authentic Ownership of My Crap

This was a fun weekend overall. However, there were moments  - beyond my control - that just blew.  I did fine for the first of these moments but failed miserably on the last one. Why?

Because I lost it.

Yep, full on yelling, angry frothing mad - loud Denise appeared tonight and just ruined the ending to our otherwise happy weekend. Now - something you must know about me - I am one to right the wrongs and right away. I have apologized and vowed to work on it - again - not an empty promise. I will immediately add it to my ever growing list of the self-development issues to work on starting now.

Now as I decompress and start to prepare for my week - a few things came to mind:

One  - "You were provoked"
Two - "My goodness - how much more could you actually take......"
Three - "You did well on the first five crappy things that happened - give yourself a break..."
Four -" ________ deserved it, after all ___ has not done _______ or ________ and you have been _________.

All of the above may be true but each statement is an excuse for me not being my best tonight. Who ever wants to be almost good enough? We want to be our best as often as possible and I was not earlier and guess whose fault that is?

Mine and mine alone.

SO - the next time you fail to be your best (whether it be at work with that annoying person who speaks to you in the condescending voice or when you are with  your significant other who is  just clueless  at times ) - do me and everyone around you a favor - own it and move on.

Don't waste one minute rationalizing less than stellar behavior - own it. Apologize. And most importantly  - understand why you go there -  to that nasty place and figure out how to return less often.


  1. What an excellent reminder...I like your writing style!!! I'm afraid I'll have an opportunity to "try this out" ever so soon!!!

  2. One - "You were provoked"
    Two - "My goodness - how much more could you actually take......"
    Three - "You did well on the first five crappy things that happened - give yourself a break..."
    #3 made me laugh out loud. you are right, though. like i always tell the boys: you are responsible for you, no one else. it would help if i would practice what i preach. good reminder to own up.
